This month, we’re dedicating this page not to a single book, but to an entire publishing enterprise that developed out of tragedy eight years ago. In 2009, Lynda Cheldelin Fell’s beloved teenaged daughter, Aly, was a passenger fatality in a car accident. Shortly afterwards, consumed with grief, Fell’s husband suffered a major stroke, which resulted in severe disabilities.
In struggling to cope with these traumatic events, Fell gradually realized that sharing her story allowed her to heal emotionally. She wondered if others who had suffered unspeakable catastrophe, given the space to speak, might experience a similarly cathartic effect.
And so AlyBlue Media was born. Beginning with a radio show, the endeavor has now grown to include the production of films, webinars, events, and the publication of many books that share firsthand how others have come to terms with loss and pain.
The Grief Diaries series includes more than two dozen anthologies that focus on how people have survived specific losses. Loss of a child, a parent, a pregnancy, or loss by suicide are just a few of the offerings.
The Real Life Diaries is a newer series that shares first-person stories of how people have learned to live with afflictions such as mental illness, brain injuries, or eating disorders.
AlyBlue Media offers a lifeline to those who are faltering on their journeys.
“When we share life’s ups and downs, we empower our inner voice while touching the hearts of others. When we’re brave, we make others brave,” Fell says.
These stories demonstrate that the pathways to healing are diverse, but share some common characteristics. There is not a lot of talk about “closure” here – instead the emphasis appears to be on understanding that while grief or disability can accompany one for a lifetime, there are ways to summon spiritual and emotional healing. There are ways to find solace and purpose and hope.
For more information, please see Aly Blue Media.