Articles on PR for People


My neighborhood in the north end, called Down the End by the locals, trilled and thrummed with the unerring twang of guitars. Every boy on the block, talented or not, musically inclined or musically challenged, had mastered the three simple chords to play Wipe Out on the guitar with unerring frequency, regardless of the season or the time of day. From garages and basements, yards, parks and parking lots, impromptu jam sessions broke out into the ubiquitous street sound of drums humping under the sturm and drang of electric guitars. 

Notes from the Working-Class: Reverence

Three white, working-class men, heads bowed, wistful eyes, lips pursed in silent prayer, are visibly overcome with emotion. They are baseball umpires, pressing their caps to their hearts in a show of reverence for two Little League teams. 

Yarn, chain link and community connection

When you hear about public art, it’s usually the monumental kind that attracts attention, like Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty. The backdrops for these works might be bustling cities or magnificent landscapes, but public art, historically, has not found its way into the suburbs. It’s rarely a feature in shopping plazas or residential neighborhoods.

The Occupation

Occupation is defined as: the action, state or period of occupying or being occupied by a military force. Such a term I remember from my history books and visual media as it applied to the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan during WWII as they occupied Western Europe and parts of Asia. And again as the Vietnamese viewed the French and later the United States, as occupiers in their own homeland. The occupation we are under now is different.

The Best Way Out Is Always Through

We enjoy stories with a beginning, a middle, and an end.  We especially like clear resolutions to mark the end of a story.  So, it’s no wonder that we’re itchy nearly two years later when the omicron variant has lengthened the COVID-19 story, and threatens re-entry to libraries, museums, theatres, restaurants, churches, schools, and sporting events. The omicron variant is at this time a law unto itself. 

Book Review: We The Presidents

A number of historical books cover American Presidents, but none is as singularly focused as Ronald Gruner’s new book We The Presidents. Mr. Gruner’s experience as an accomplished executive and founder of several technology companies has resulted in a much different perspective of presidential history. His focus on one hundred years of U.S. presidential history is shown primarily through an economic lens. (His book will be available on Amazon beginning on January 11, 2022.)


Waves sneak up to the shore from nowhere. Mountains of water advance, attacking like a marauding army. Churning angry white foam, the King Tide has arrived on the north coast of Oregon. Water levels rise higher and tides grow stronger. Some tides crest far higher than others. Swell after swell, rising and falling, an ache and a sigh, reeking of salty spray. Sneaker waves suddenly smash against the beach with a boom like thunder. The power of water washing over us can take us on an unwanted ride far out to sea. Sudden fierce currents sweep victims away. Never turn your back to the ocean.

Book Review: Union Street

The author’s writing is superb, but her characters who personify death, sickness, self-destruction, depravity and despair are never able to see beyond the confines of a very small block of row houses on Union Street. 

A National Network of Election Deniers will Oversee the 2024 Election

Followers of Donald Trump are methodically placing election deniers, those who believe Biden stole the election through fraudulent voting, in crucial state positions who could legally overturn a popular vote if a Trumper candidate does not win the next presidential election.

It Seems Like We Are Always Thinking About COVID

When I last wrote on November 8, I was optimistic: “those of us who are vaccinated are able now to go out to have a meal, travel, attend a concert or an exhibition or an athletic event and, in general, move about much more freely than before.” The COVID booster and antiviral had become two more arrows in our quiver to fight the virus.