Articles on PR for People

Coronavirus Pandemic, Month Six

The absence of executive leadership to champion a plan to contain the coronavirus pandemic has cost this country dearly. As I write today, the Center for Disease Controls (CDC) reports 133,666 deaths, with 3,173,212 infected, a number that is up today by 66,281 new cases over yesterday. States with governors who took the CDC’s guidance on a phased, data-based approach to opening the economy back up have fared significantly better than states with governors who did not use data and opened their states early. 

Three Books on the 2020 Presidential Election and their relevance to the Black Live Matter Protests

Three Books on the 2020 Presidential Election and their relevance to the Black Live Matter Protests. Each book discusses how election campaign strategies could address minority and racial injustices that have long been ignored.

Donald Trump and “The Lord of the Flies”

A real-life version of William Golding’s famous (dark) novel tells a very different tale about human nature.  But what about Donald Trump?

Intrapreneurship vs. Entrepreneurship - What’s the difference?

Intrapreneurship vs. Entrepreneurship - What’s the difference? When most people think of business the term “entrepreneurship” comes to mind but what is becoming an increasingly large driving force behind innovative companies today, is the introduction of intrapreneurship. 

Supreme Court DACA Decision – Was it more concerned about humanity or legality?

Supreme Court DACA Decision – Was it more concerned about humanity or legality? Neither - it was about politics of providing a “reasonable” executive order

Some Thoughts This Week: Nature In (Perhaps) a Most Surprising Spot


One thing is obvious to me: nature, I believe, can live anywhere. Consider: anything above ground has soil below it, and if fertile enough can yield the most beautiful surprises in the most surprising spots.




An “Autonomous” Seattle Demonstrators' Street Threatens America – What?

President Donald Trump from his New Jersey private golf club tweeted on June 12, that “The terrorists burn and pillage our cities.” He was referring to demonstrators occupying three blocks along a single street, in Seattle’s most culturally active neighborhood. Trump demanded that the mayor and governor, “Must end this Seattle takeover now!” Or else he would call in the army.  

Taking Systemic Risk to the Next Level

As of June 14, the CDC reports that 115,271 Americans have died from the coronavirus. As time passes and we learn more about the virus, we know that the number of deaths as well as the number infected (2,063,812) are low because we were not testing everyone who has died since January, and our current testing programs are still marginal. Protest marches began after videos were published of the May 25 murder of George Floyd by four Minneapolis police officers and the February 23 killing of Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man who was shot dead while jogging, which in turn resurrected the case of Breonna Taylor, killed in her own bed by police using a no-knock warrant and eight bullets in the middle of the night. 

Teen Entrepreneurs are Growing in Numbers

In the last decade, the number of teenage entrepreneurs has grown significantly. Research from Junior Achievement and Ernst & Young LLP (EY) shows that 41 percent of teens would consider entrepreneurship as a career option, versus working in a traditional job. Read on to learn more about some of the unique opportunities available for teen entrepreneurs as well as some important considerations for those ready to take the steps towards entrepreneurship.


 Vote-by-Mail | A Reality Check: A global pandemic, riots in the streets, disinformation campaigns, the systematic dismantling of our national postal system, a presidential election year – and perhaps a remedy or two.