Articles on PR for People


In the 1980s I had the good fortune to attend an event where Sherry Lansing gave the keynote address. She said that as a Hollywood executive, “she was always in search of good talent….and furthermore… that good talent would always rise to the top and be rewarded.” Her comments stayed with me through the years. Sherry Lansing’s perspective is strong and simple. Work hard and reap reward. I believed her then and I believe her now, but there is a flip side to the playing field. 


The populace of this world has been baffled by the myth of the Flying Saucer related UFOs (unidentified flying objects) for quite a long time. The central theme of all the Flying Saucer reports is the so-called extraterrestrial aliens. However, while ETs from other parts of the universe could be very realistic, it does not necessarily entail the conclusion that those rapid glowing Flying Saucers must be all driven by the aliens. As is demonstrated in this current investigation, humans have already mastered the necessary knowledge and technologies to build a glowing Flying Saucer which could not only fly super swiftly but also change its flying direction abruptly. Accordingly, the chance that a Flying Saucer witnessed by the citizens of a nation might carry visitors from a foreign country instead of a foreign planet could also be very high.

Fighting Fire

Firefighting is not an unusual job; it’s a vocation, a passion. They protect life and property, all in the line of duty, at their own peril. They are constantly training, learning, practicing and keeping up with Medical, Fire and Special Operations.  International Fire Fighter’s Day pays tribute to firefighters and volunteers, who have lost their lives in the line of duty and it also celebrates the dedication and commitment of fire and...

How to Feed the World in the Age of Climate Change

How to Feed the World in the Age of Climate Change. The answer may lie in a modernized version of an ancient method.  

Life on the Indian River Lagoon

The key to understanding people and the world around us begins with education. One way to learn about the world is by developing a love of books. Each month, we profile a library. Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic; do you have a library that you love? Tell us about it. This month, Patricia Vaccarino writes about the Indian River County Library in Vero Beach, Florida.


I invite the suspicion that my work as a writer is to give weight and curiosity to our collective fear of losing things we love.

Governor Jared Polis Holds Kindergarten Close to his Heart

When Governor Jared Polis of Colorado was a new governor, I asked him: what is close to your heart? His response was: “Education, specifically full-day kindergarten.”  

Criminal justice reform – “getting at” a better model

“I run a repair shop, not a junkyard.” It’s a motto Dave Larson spouts – frequently. But he is no auto mechanic. Larson is a Municipal Court Judge in Federal Way, Washington, a community of just under 100,000 people, located between Seattle and Tacoma. This city has experienced most of its growth as an affordable bedroom community to those larger cities to the north and south. Now it’s struggling to establish an identity of its own, while grappling with all of the attendant crises of the 21st century – including the opioid epidemic, homelessness, and crime.

May 2019 The Connector Magazine

The first rule of law for visionaries can be stated succinctly: Visionaries are the first to spot a problem and see exactly what needs to be done. As creative and innovative thinkers, visionaries buck against the status quo to break new ground by offering detailed, logical, and well-thought-out solutions that can be pragmatically implemented.